Manuba Retrieved Craft


1 - 10 July, 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.


PSTP Gdynia
Al. Zwycięstwa 96/98

Let’s retrieve the memories about local crafting methods and bring awareness to the local identity of the region by reminding what is slowly becoming forgotten.

We are witnesses and participants of the fourth industrial revolution. Terms such as sensors, applications and metadata, enter the universal dictionary. On the one hand, new technologies allow you to live better, sometimes easier and faster. On the other hand, partial transfer of one’s life to the virtual space and its "tabletisation" result in a reduced experience of materials, textures and smells.

It is materials such as wood, ceramics, wicker, natural fibers, hand-forged steel and the uniqueness of these materials which allows you to move into the analog world, full of history and extraordinary abilities of people who craft them. It is thanks to them that we can get back in touch with the past which will become an inspiration for the future.

By the contemporarily interpreted crafting methods the viewers can learn about the centuries-old history of Necel pottery, the achievements of artisans from the southern Kashubian Folk Crafts House in Swornegacie, the craftsmanship and passion of Leszek Supinski as he works in his forge in Oliwa or how Bohdan Szczudło combines artistic experience with his knowledge of wood and finally how the knowledge about hand spinning and weaving in Pomerania is passed along. By regaining what is slowly becoming forgotten we restore awareness to the local identity of the region.

The resulting objects will form a coherent and contemporary collection of interior elements under a common brand Manuba. Manuba is an acronym from the words: baltic manufacture. Gdynia Design Days will be the first festival for which such a collection will be created. What is important, each object will be produced in small series and these products will be available for sale during the festival.